Top-level heading


The Department's academic and research activities have attained an international reputation for excellence in areas such as structural dynamics and control, earthquake engineering, risk analysis, full-scale monitoring, behaviour of structural and geotechnical systems (galleries, tunnels), structural analysis and design, smart structures, and the structural reliability of historic buildings and monuments.

Making research available
Disg research publications are of the highest standard and to be found in major specialist journals, society publications as well as in international databases such as Scopus and WOS.  Increasingly publications are now accessible to the broader community thanks to the university's Open Access policy and available in Sapienza's institutional repository, IRIS.  Thanks to the introduction of transformative agreements between CARE-CRUI and the major publishers our authors can now avail of funding for publication in Open Access. 

Conferences, workshops, summer schools and seminar cycles
Disg is also intensely active in the  participation and organization of conferences, workshops, summer schools and seminar cycles. In particular, in recent years: "PhD ISG Seminars" (seminar cycles), "Lifeline week" (international event on the resilience of structures, 2015), "Mechanics and Mathematics of Soft Materials and Structures (seminar cycles, 2016-2017 ), "FIMM4 French-Italian Meeting on Masonry Modeling" (International Workshop, 2017), "EURODYN 2017, X International Conference on Structural Dynamics" (international conference, 2017), "Italian-German Geotechnical Workshop" (International Workshop, 2017) , Recent advances in Mechanics and Mathematics of Materials - A young researcher's meeting (International Workshop, 2017), 9th International Conference on Computational Methods (International Conference, 2018), Perspectives of the History of Exact Sciences - Between physics and philosophy (workshop), First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (International Conference, 2019), APESS 2019 - 12th Asia-Pacific-Euro Summer School on Smart Structures Technology, ANCRiSST 2019 - 14th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, XXIV edition of the Congress of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (2019), 56th Meeting of the Society for Natural Philosophy (2020), Second International Conference in Nonlinear Dynamics - online in the ZOOM platform (2021).

Sapienza Research Infrastructure
DISG is active in supporting Sapienza's current investment policy to develop the Sapienza Research Infrastructure: laboratories and large equipment to support excellence in research activities and promote innovation, technology transfer and local business incubation. One such project is the POLYTEC SCANNING VIBROMETER, Director Prof. W. Lacarbonara.

International Funding
The Department is also successful in attracting international financing, such as the Getty Institute, Los Angeles, funding for the preservation plan for the Flaminio Stadium, designed by architect Nervi and inaugurated in 1959. Coordinator: Professor Francesco Romeo.
Another project, DESDEMONA – DEtection of Steel Defects by Enhanced MONitoring and Automated procedure for self-inspection and maintenance is a three-year research project involving four countries (Italy, France, Spain and Portugal), under the  EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel 2017. Desdemona aims to develop novel design methods, systems, procedures and technical solutions to integrate sensing and automation technologies for self-inspection and self-monitoring of steel structures.  Programme Coordinator: Prof. Vincenzo Gattulli, PI.

By consulting SCIVAL Trends, a new module recently acquired by Sapienza, you can now identify the department's research  areas  and top performers. 

DISG's main areas of research fall under these categories: 

Mechanics of solids and structures

Seismic and structural engineering

Geotechnical and earth mechanics

The Technology of Architecture